
Kaylane – Heavyweight seducer – Mistress of Arms of Brute’s kingdom, only the queen surpasses her with the sword, but no one equals her in heaviness with men … She became Erika’s mentor when her mother gave up her training… Erika...


Bucephalus – Destrier Hygienomaniac – Erika’s artistocratic and precious steed doesn’t let anyone put his buttocks on his saddle, but they still have to be clean! The slightest stain on her immaculate dress makes her go into a spin! Erika Pita...


napooleon – Messenger of the Kingdom – A small protégé of King Flufy de Brute, this pigeon shows green and ripe steps (of droppings) to Lagertha, Brute’s queen. In spite of this he remains a professional courier and doesn’t miss any of his...


Pita – Squire of Princess Erika – Pita accompanies Princess Erika everywhere in her adventure. Mischievous, naive, cheerful, careful never to criticize her cooking, your life is at stake… Erika Pita Bucephalus Lagertha Flufy Kaylane...


Lagertha – Queen of the Brute Kingdom – She reigns with a powerful mistress’s hand over Brute’s kingdom. In spite of the shame she has for her daughter Erika, she will have to give up the power to her, on the only condition that Erika marries...